Monday 5 January 2015

Your dress size doesn't define you. Neither does your blatant disregard for your health.

With all the discussions about the body type of women going about, this article was probably in the making since I was old enough to realise the importance of self-image. But let me, ahead of time, assert that I am not writing this in encouragement of prototyping women based on body-types. This goes a little deeper. 

So, I see there are women out there who attempt to justify being fat (yes, I am goin to use the ugly, blunt f-word), by claiming that it is more beautiful than being skinny and that the world is teaming up against them to create the perception that fatness (there! I said it again. FAT. ) is not 'lovely' and 'pretty' and all the jazz. There is a reason humans like thin women. Actually, there are a host of reasons. Humans originally are hunters. Our bodies are made for intense physical activity. The natural state of the body is healthy! Notice how I use the word healthy? These unfit women try to hijack the word healthy as a subtle version of fat or obese and I wonder where this association comes from. Healthy is lean! Healthy is when u r so fit u have muscles, u don't tire easily, and your body works well. Not when u r tired easily, have a higher fat percentage than what is considered healthy or normal. Bein thin is about exercising, which will keep you energetic, fresh, and well capable of performing tasks and chores. It is really simple, isn't it? If you exercise and eat properly, you get thin! And as a result, you have a better lifestyle. Don't u think that is the reason why we are wired to like slender figures more? I could go on an on about the good that bein healthy would do to your life, but you might as well google that, taking up on my side of the argument. 

And unfit stretches to the skinny women who are equally out of breath as the obese ones. All I say is - be healthy, get fit! The rest follows- energy, great skin, great sex, no depression or negativity, lovely taut bodies, and all that which is perceived as glamorous.. 

High time we stop making excuses for being unfit (curves are lovely, fat is sexy, real women are those with curves, and so on), and take up to a healthy, lean lifestyle, irrespective of our dress sizes! 

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